Liz Thomas
Foundation Manager, SLSF/NWSRA
Special Leisure Services Foundation (SLSF) was formed in 1981 as the nonprofit fundraising arm of Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA).
NWSRA was formed in 1973 as a community-based agency that is an extension of 17 park districts with a mission to provide outstanding opportunities through recreation for children and adults with disabilities. A variety of recreation and leisure programs are offered throughout the year including bowling, swimming lessons, crafts, cooking, team sports, piano lessons, athletic team training, cultural arts, horseback riding, social clubs, trips and special events. NWSRA celebrates the abilities of people with disabilities and believes that all people should be given the opportunity to recreate at their highest level.
Liz started working for Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA) as a part-time staff in 1998. Thomas began working full time for NWSRA in 2004 as a Program Specialist and after that many different positions were held until switching over to the Foundation (SLSF) in 2020. She is actively involved in community organizations and enjoys volunteering. Liz believes that everyone has a true purpose in life. Be the change you wish to see.